Nov 2009, Advertising sales decline 13 consecutive month | Insight for WebAnalytics

Insight for WebAnalytics - 2010年1月17日(日) 20:50
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完全な状態のオリジナル記事は 「Nov 2009, Advertising sales decline 13 consecutive month」 からご覧ください。
Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry release the industry statistics of Nov 2009.

Total sales of 4 mass media (TV, radio, magazine, newspaper) also 11 consecutive month decline. Only internet advertising rise 3.9% compared to Nov 2008.

The chart below shows % up or down compared to same month last year.
And the meaning of column (from left to right) is as follows;
total sales, 4 mass media total, newspaper, magazine, TV, radio, ...., internet, others.
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