Google confirmed changing Search Volume Reporting Method for KW Variants | αSEO(アルファSEO)

αSEO(アルファSEO) - 2016年8月1日(月) 11:30
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完全な状態のオリジナル記事は 「Google confirmed changing Search Volume Reporting Method for KW Variants」 からご覧ください。
Google confirmed update on Google Keyword Planner in late June 2016.
Due to this update, search volumes for keyword (i.e. ”bag”) often includes search volume for similar keywords (i.e. “bags”), but not always,.
If you download search volume regularly, you can see large increases in search volumes for queries which have variants.
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パンダアップデートはGoogleの検索アルゴリズムアップデートの1つで、2011 ...→用語集へ



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