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MOBYLOG 4.3 (Japanese mobile web analytics tool) is released」 からご覧ください。
MOBYLOG 4.3 is released at 2010/1/13.
http://www.cellant.jp/news/20100113.htmlJapanese mobile site is often on the mobile carriers network. So, it is difficult to measure the mobile site compared to PC site. Because JavaScript is not accept, cookie is not accept, so on.
So mobile site measurement tool in Japan has been developed other way. MOBYLOG is one of the typical tool of mobile site measurement. Today MOBYLOG 4.3 is realsed.
The version up point is as follows;
1) Enhanced MOBYLOG engine. Transfer mobile ID automatically even under the NTT docomo SSL circumstance.
2) Measure conversion not only by PPC but also organic search.
3) Provide HandloaD TAG perl version
4) Enhanced Excel client function
5) Agent service to set advertisinz data